👋 Hello, I am a full-stack developer!

Rahul Sharma

Digital Nomad ( Gamer / Developer / Designer )

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I am a 5th sem student pursuing Bachelors in Computer science studies with a specialization of Software, from CGU bhubaneswar. I am a Tech enthusiast, Web-Android developer,Freelancer and a part-time Youtuber. I love to play around with algorithms and data structures with a knack of Android Development as well, currently I am sharpening my grip over Java Full-stack development. I am looking forward to a challenging and growth oriented career that could help me enhance and administer my technical skills for providing solutions to real life problems in a dynamic and versatile workplace. When not online, i loves play games. Currently, I am Learning and making projects + contribution. Check this - Work. I also publishes content on my YouTube channel called "TechNox" and Vlognox


2000Born in Odisha, INDIA.
2017Completed My Matriculation (8.2 CGPA)
2019Completed My 12th (50%)
2020 to presentpursuing B.Tech in C.V Raman Global University

I ♥

Drawing and Gaming

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